We had a fairly busy schedule as G'ma and G'pa are visiting for two days so we didn't really get to do as much learning about Vietnam as I'd hoped. We read the Vietnamese folk tale "How the Tiger Got His Stripes" and listened to the national anthem. Bug colored a picture of the Vietnamese flag. Boo read this presentation about what school is like in Vietnam. We also looked at how the numbers 1 through 10 were written and spoken. Boo learned the capital is Hanoi and the largest city is Ho Chi Min City. Like I said, not a lot but still a little bit more than they knew this morning.
Kid's Verdict on the chicken: Good flavor. Boo wasn't too sure about the texture but said she'd eat it again. Bug refused to eat it at first and then ended up eating almost an entire thigh by herself. Ebabe ate all of hers and then some off of my plate.
Funny side note. While making a stop at Penzey's Spice Store today, we came across Vietnamese Cassia Cinnamon. It smelled fabulous! G'ma ended up getting some for all the good things she bakes at home!
For dinner we prepared Vietnamese Roasted Chicken, using the recipe on Stephanie's A Year of Crockpotting blog with a few minor changes. We used 12 fresh chicken thighs (not frozen) and cooked it on low for 5 hours. I had a bit of trouble finding fish sauce but eventually managed to find some. We accompanied the chicken with some wheat noodles and mandarin oranges (yes, I know those are not Vietnamese but they're Asian so it worked!) It was very good - just enough flavor without being over powerful!
Funny side note. While making a stop at Penzey's Spice Store today, we came across Vietnamese Cassia Cinnamon. It smelled fabulous! G'ma ended up getting some for all the good things she bakes at home!
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