Bonjour! Bienvenue au jour français. (welcome to French day)

Put this mixture into the freezer for about 2 hours, move to fridge about 15 minutes before eating. You can use different fruits and juices to make the mix you like the most. You need about 4 cups of frozen fruit total.

Today we learned about fashion and how Paris, France is the place where fashion begins. We listened to the French national anthem, counted from 1 to 20 in French, sang Frere Jacques in French and English to compare the words, and made homemade sorbet.
Strawberry Banana Sorbet Recipe:
Freeze 2 bananas (sliced - freeze overnight) and 1 quart of strawberries (cut into small pieces - freeze about 3 hours). Blend the frozen fruit together in the blender. We added about 1/2 cup of lemon juice and 3 TBSP of splenda. (I think it could have used a bit more splenda).
Dinner, on the other hand, was not so great. I made spinach quiche. I'm pretty sure the recipe was not so good. It called for a large container of sour cream, a box of frozen spinach, 2 eggs, 2 cups of cheddar cheese, 1 cup of french onions, and a frozen pie shell. The final product was a bit runny. I didn't think it tasted too bad but the kids refused to eat more than the bites required to get dessert. I think I'll try this recipe next time (yes children, there will be a next time!). Pretty similar but enough different that I think it will be better. The kids disappointment may have been partially because we didn't have French Fries for dinner!
Oh, the flag coloring pages we've been using are from Crayola and can be found on their website.
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