The You Capture theme over at I Should Be Folding Laundry is work this week. Work means something different to each person. In science, work = force * distance. For Chip, work is being an electrical engineer.
day planner, personal banker, valet, seamstress, archivist, genealogist, laundry service,
My work as a stay at home mom & wife consists of being a personal chauffeur,
day planner, personal banker, valet, seamstress, archivist, genealogist, laundry service,
dictionary, proofreader, encyclopedia of all knowledge, and spiritual guide.
I have some kind of undiagnosed (although not for lack of trying!) rheumatological disorder, which very simply put, triggers stiffness and pain when I've been in one position for too long, such as overnight. Whatever it is also occasionally makes my eyes dry out so much that I need to use eye drops to open them. Once I get moving, I am fine, but that initial motion to get up is excruciating sometimes. Sometimes the hardest work I do each day is simply getting myself out of bed.
I decided to blog briefly about my random problems, not for sympathy or pity, but to encourage others with bizarre health issues and let you know you are not alone.
I decided to blog briefly about my random problems, not for sympathy or pity, but to encourage others with bizarre health issues and let you know you are not alone.
Being a mom is one of the hardest most rewarding jobs.
I hope they figure out what is wrong.
Ooo love the last shot (is that bad?). Cool use of shutter speed!
I think stay at home moms should be hired for any position on the spot. We're some of the most well-rounded people out there.
Feel better!
I love your pictures! And can totally relate to your job description. Very creative on that last shot...but I'm sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I hope you can find a resolution to your mystery illness soon!
Love the grocery store shot! Very creative! And the shutter speed shot - captures all the daily action! You do have a great job and you're great at it! :)
what a great week. looks organized to me. ;) i can relate too. :)
I agree with what Lena said. Staying at home is a full time job that requires many skills that not all are equipped for. Cool post!
Staying at home is definitely more than a 40 hour week but SOOOO worth it!
Laundry service ... yes! (Also, that conveyor-belt shot at the store is wonderful. Your little helper!)