09:47 PM
My parents sang at Carnegie Hall last weekend. If you'd like to read about it, check out my sister-in-law's blog as she writes much more eloquently than I do. I flew out for a very short weekend, arriving in NYC around midnight and leaving Sunday morning. Even though it was a quick trip, I had a blast! It was wonderful and I can't put the trip into words well. So, instead you can just view my pictoral of last Saturday.

Several billboards in Times Square were advertising Michigan.

Lunch at the Stardust Diner, where the servers are aspiring Broadway stars and sing on the the counters!

Vertical parking

One of the tributes at St. Paul's Chapel - just outside the World Trade Center area

Ground Zero

Building details
Skyscrapers and blue skies!
Ground Zero Cross
Sculpture in the City Hall Park
City Hall Park fountain

Carnegie Hall

Atlas statue in Rockefeller Plaza

Times Square at night (or early morning, as the case may be!)

No alleys in NYC - all trash and recycling goes on the street every night. Such a lovely sight...

Our hotel at about 2am.

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