We are doing this a little differently this time, with one kid at college and the pickier eaters at home, and with me working outside the home.  So, many of the recipes we are attempting during the Beijing Olympics are desserts, not full meals.  Also, I will probably just give you our opinions and a link to the original recipe, unless we altered it somehow.  

Today was China Day, since it was the opening day of the 2022 Olympics. Today’s country was China, since they are the hosts. We had Chinese food from the local restaurant and homemade Chinese Mango Pudding for dessert, using this recipe -> www.dessertnowdinnerlater.com/chinese-mango-pudding/

It was pretty good, although one kid didn’t like it at all and refused to eat more than one bite and one didn’t like the texture very much, but thought the flavor was good.

What I learned from the preparation was that if you try to use cheesecloth to strain mango purée instead of the fine mesh strainer the recipe suggests, you will have a very sticky, cold mess on your hands… literally.
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