04:44 PM
Pardon my brevity, but I'm currently having a temper tantrum because my blogging program deleted an hours worth of work for no apparent reason.

This is what I feel like doing right now (note: this link takes you to a post with quite a few interesting faces!).

On a lighter note, here are some of the faces I encounter daily:

The peaceful and innocent face of Ebabe asleep!

The exuberant face of Bug at her 100th day of school parade today.

Boo flashing a tentative smile.

One of our dogs, Mozart, taking a break from the chaos. Our other dog, Trouble, would not pose for a photo today. She was snoozing in the back of the kennel!

I must admit that I did not take this last one. Bug, age 5, took this pic of Chip on Christmas morning. I decided that I couldn't complete a post about the faces I encounter daily without one of my wonderful husband!

For more faces, visit this week's You Capture challenge at I Should Be Doing Laundry.
15 Responses
  1. Stacia Says:

    Oh, your sweet girls! Lovely faces all around.

  2. Cute shots. Love the smiles. =)

  3. Jen Says:

    Great shots of the family! I think Bug is on her way to being a photog like her mom :)

    Btw, I love the tantrum photos. Reminds me of someone I know :)

  4. Karrie Says:

    The sleeping shots always get me! Well done!

  5. Sarah Says:

    I always love sleeping shots too! very cute!

  6. Mominin Says:

    I love the thumb sucking!! So precious.

  7. Lisa Says:

    Great 100 day photo! The elementary school I work at does the same thing.

  8. Frogmum Says:

    Great photos :D I love the sleepy one :D

  9. Lovely family! I'm sorry all your work was wasted! Thanks for sharing the pics!

  10. Laurel Says:

    I love little sleeping faces! Little kids give the best faces. Beautiful family.

  11. Lyndsay Says:

    Cute pics! Sleeping babes are the best. And some of my favorite pictures of my Hubby are pictures my 4-year old took.... the smiles are always so genuine!

  12. Unknown Says:

    Awww... sleepy face is too adorable! :D

    I sometimes let my kiddies loose with the camera too... they do catch some genuine grins! :)

  13. Sabrina Says:

    Oh the thumbsucker is close to my own heart. Both of our boys did it/ do it! And I have many shots of them sleeping so soundly with the thumb in the mouth. LOVE IT!

  14. Sahne Says:

    It is so cute to see a beautiful baby sleeping:)

    What a lovely family!!

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