I don't know about you, but my children are a pain in the butt on every shopping trip I take. We have to eat, so unfortunately, I have to take them to the grocery store about once a week. After multiple tantrums, my children running in opposite directions around the store and 2 hour marathon shopping trips, I decided something must be done. My mom talked me out of selling the children (just kidding - sort of!) and I decided it was just too expensive to get a babysitter every time I want groceries or supplies. After much brainstorming, I decided to make a trial run at a Bingo game the kids could play while I am shopping. We tried it out at Target. They were super excited. Every time they found an item on their card, they got to cover it with a sticker. Each one had a different card (all the same items in different spots).
Here is what one of the cards looked like.
That is awesome! I can relate to children being a pain on shopping trips. I only take them when I need a few things. And even then... Thank goodness they have free doughnut holes at Busch's. :)