If you read this blog from time to time, you know that our group of friends like to do harmless, yet decorative, pranks at each others homes. A few weeks ago, we decided to decorate our friend Lynne's yard for her 40th birthday. We wanted to do something unique - no pink flamingos or tombstones(that's for her 50th!). Lynne is a British expatriate so we thought we'd have our own little tea party in her yard.

We used 99 British flags for the lawn and 100 tea bags for the tree. Luckily it wasn't raining or we would have stained their yard! We'd wanted to have giant cut outs of the Royal family but couldn't find any and didn't really feel like trying to make them. Lynne's daughter and husband decorated the windows and her car with washable paint too! All in all, we think it turned out rather nicely and Lynne said it was a fun surprise.

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