08:53 AM
So if it seems I'm blogging in spurts lately, it's because I am! May is almost as chaotic in our house as March is. We've had:

Second Grade Reader's Theater

A trip to downtown Chicago to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo with friends

Preschool Spring Musical

Bug's Dance Recital (and dress rehearsal, and photos)

Bug's Field Day

The school district's Fine Art Festival (Boo had two pieces of art shown)

A piano recital

A Brownie Girl Scout Court of Honor for Boo

Multiple birthday parties to attend

2nd Grade Spring Party

(the apron was made by the students using their pinky and index fingers to make fingerprint ants!)

And the last day of preschool!!

We participated in our church's day of service, picked up trash at the local park as a Girl Scout service project, started softball, tball and baseball and I also finished up co-leading a 32 week Bible study. As you can see, it's been quite hectic. I hope you'll excuse my sporatic entries!

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1 Response
  1. Mommasaurus Says:

    No matter how sporatic, they're very special to me - so, NEVER GIVE UP!

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